Pune Hinjewadi – The Sarpanch (Village head) “Sachin Chintaman Jadhav” was threatened with death during a Gram Sabha meeting. A shocking incident occurred on December(26) ,Thursday. This happened at Nere-Dattawadi village located in the Hinjewadi IT Park area. The accused are Rahul Sitaram Jadhav and former sarpanch Vidya Rahul Jadhav. They both verbally abused the sarpanch, Sachin Chintaman Jadhav. They also threatened to kill him with a sword. The incident took place in the presence of villagers, and the accused allegedly shouted, “One day, I will cut you with a sword.”
As per the Sachin Jadhav’s statement, the incident took place during a special meeting. A special meeting called to discuss the proposed development plans in the village. Sachin and Rahul are political rivals. The two political rivals got into a heated argument when the topic of discussion was about the new boards related to village development. Rahul Jadhav reportedly asking that the boards needs to be removed immediately. Then he started using offensive language, eventually threatening the sarpanch’s life.
“Sachin Chintaman Jadhav” Filed A Complaint at Hinjewadi Police Station :
Sachin Jadhav has registered a complaint at the Hinjewadi police station. The police has filed an FIR against the Jadhav couple, Rahul And Vidya. The police are now investigating the matter.
Sachin Jadhav also mentioned that the Jadhav couple threatened him earlier as well. In his written complaint he mentioned one incident which happened on October 26, 2023. As per that, during the village election process, the couple had physically threatened him in front of police officers. This incident captured on video as well. He stated that he has been receiving repeated threats and demanding strict legal action against the accused.
The police have taken immediate action and have filed a non-cognizable case. The police has taken necessary legal steps to prevent further incidents. Senior Police Inspector Kanhaiya Thorat stated that strict actins would be implemented to maintain law and order.
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